

Upcoming Events

This one-day workshop will give you new insights and research that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you learn how to have a strong, healthy marriage.

Gain respect, affection, and closeness 

• Build and share a deeper spiritual connection with each other as one 

• Keep communication discussions calm 

• Breakthrough, restore and resolve the next season in your lives 

• Strengthen and maintain the gains in your relationship 

We will have a continental breakfast and question and answer session by Our Marital Coaches.

Courses to put you on the right track with your marriage.


What you’ll learn: 

                 The 6’D’s in your relationship 

Responding to disagreements with respect brings you closer. In This Class we will be discussing the 6 D’s in your relationship. Discord, Despair, Depression, Disruption, Disunity and Division. This session will cover an overall introduction to the concept of applying the strategies to your own life as well as your relationship.  What our research and participants are saying about this is that it has changed their life in a spectacular way.  

The target audience are those who would like to dramatically change in a way with a more structured approach. Spiritual resources are discussed as a part of the skills taught. There is a lot of research to support this variable. 

                     The 5 C’s of Communication  

Understanding your spouse at a deepening level helps them feel respected and loved. This workshop will give couples practical skills to deal with the challenges of communication. They will learn the 5 C’s of communication; Clear, Committed, Complete, Concise and Consistent.   

The challenges that every couple face when in a relationship is that they do not talk to one another and or understand what the other is saying. Listening with an open ear and heart is the key to building a foundation of communication. There is always a specific need and all couples should identify the real issues and develop a need to identify the stress levels that they put on themselves. 

Target Audience: Couples that need to have open communication with one another to get rid of the stressors in life. This discussion will lead each couple to identify these issues for themselves. Practical, research proven skills, will be presented to alleviate these stressors. Couples will work on goals for moving forward. Spiritual resources are discussed as a part of the skills taught. There is a lot of research to support this variable. 

                        The 4 R’s of Relationship Building 

Resolving your hurts releases you to love freely. A powerful, fit relationship can be one of the best supports in your life. Good relationships improve all aspects of your life, strengthening your health, your mind, and your connections with your spouse and others. In this session you will learn how; if the relationship isn’t working, to apply the 4-R’s. Renew, Repair, Restore, and Rebuild. The more you put in, the more you can get back. Knowing the basic principles of healthy relationships helps keep them meaningful, fulfilling and exciting in both happy and sad times. Spiritual resources are discussed as a part of the skills taught. There is a lot of research to support this variable. 

                                                 The 3 L’s of Life  

The 3 L’s in Your Marriage

Maximize your marriage through trusting God into your life with the 3 L’s. Life, Love and Laughter. Life can be tough and motivation is the success to every part of the puzzle. Inspire yourself. There is something individual about you that attract others by learning the 3 L’s. Spiritual resources are discussed as a part of the skills taught. There is a lot of research to support this variable. 


                        Let’s Get Real About Pure Intimacy in Marriage!! 

God’ Purpose for Sex (Sensual, Exciting and X-Rated

 But the man who commits adultery is an utter fool, for he destroys his own soul. Proverbs 6:32

To love and be loved sexually can become the strongest magnetic pull in life. In this session we will be discussing the pure essence of intimacy between husband and wife. Spiritual resources are discussed as a part of the skills taught. There is a lot of research to support this variable. 


 Interaction, Fun games and prizes with you and your spouse 

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